Music Is My Therapy

Five Ways Piano Lessons Can Benefit Your Child

As a parent, it may seem that there are endless amounts of activities to sign a child up for nowadays. Whether it's a class at a nature center, tumbling, dance, or soccer, most kids are doing something. So, how do you know what to choose for your child? There are actually a ton of benefits to having your child take piano lessons—benefits that can help them for the rest of their life. Here are just five: 

1. Improve Hand-eye Coordination

Playing the piano is actually a fairly complex skill. You have to read the notes on the page, know which key on the piano it correlates to, and have your finger press it all at once. Add the fact that as you increase the difficultly of the pieces you play you often use both hands and play more than one note with each hand. This requires major hand-eye coordination. As your child slowly learns, that hand-eye coordination will improve, which will bleed into other areas in their life too.

2. Improve Math and Counting Skills

Music is considered an art by many, but it is also quite mathematical. You have to keep track of the beat and know each note's value. An eighth note is half the length of a quarter note. A sixteenth note is half the length of an eighth note. There are many other different notes to keep track of, all with their own mathematical value. Studies have shown that children who take piano lessons score higher in math. Whether or not your child struggles with math, piano lessons can only help!

3. Increase Self-esteem

Between bullies at school, social media, and the competitive nature of grades and sports, kids need every meaningful boost to their self-esteem they can get. Learning the piano is a skill that a child has to develop over time through lots of practice and repetition. While that can be frustrating at times, once a particular piece or skill is mastered, your child will be filled with a sense of achievement. As they continue to see their progress, learning the piano will help your child increase their self-esteem.

4. Learn Patience

As mentioned already, learning to play the piano does take time. Mastery of the technique and note reading doesn't come immediately. It takes hard work and dedication, even for children who have a natural affinity for music. Learning to delay gratification is a useful skill that everybody needs in order to be truly successful in life. Taking piano lessons will help your child learn that to develop skills, they have to be willing to work at it. 

5. Decrease Screentime

Everybody is trying to figure out how to get their kids off of screens. Too much screen time is not healthy for children's brains and can affect grades in school. Piano lessons can give your children a hobby that doesn't involve screens, leading them to a much healthier lifestyle. 

There are even more benefits to starting your child on piano lessons. Contact a studio that offers lessons in your area for more information, like Carmen Cuenca Piano Studio.
